Sunday, September 28, 2008


Have you ever had a message that just was a slap in the face. That's how i felt today at church from the message preached by my own father. Me, as a teen, I go through quite a bit with temptation. Kids making dumb decisions and expecting you to follow right along with them because it is the thing to do. Or being in a time of distress and cheating which also my father touched on in his message. I am guilty of a case of temptation, in which I cheated on my lab, something not worth cheating on, but I did it. Well I dont want to give away too much, because i wanted to show the notes I took for the sermon.

This message is taken from James 1:13-15

I. Temptation doesn't come from God
* My father's definition of temptation- A solictation to do evil
* Temptation shouldn't be blamed on God because God does not like evil and he would not condone it
* God cannot be tempted by evil
* Every trial that comes our way opens the door for Temptation

II. Temptation comes from our own evil desires
* Temptation is the product of our own evil desires; Its as if we our fish going for bait. All we're worrying about is the bait, not knowing the bait is attatched to a hook, that is attatched to a string ready to trap us and drag us away
* Do not play the blame game; When someone does wrong towards you and you retalliate also means you're wrong( You are just as evil as the person who did the wrong first)
* Be responsible for your own actions

* John Piper quotes: " Sin gets its power by persuading me to believe that it will be
pleasing to me if I follow it"

* Our evil desires entice us

III. Temptation is Progressively Dangerous when we yield to it
* Certain desires we will never get used to
* Don't let what others do to you drag you away
* Do not blame God for the outcome of a situation when we don't respond the way He has told us to respond
* Temptation seems innocent and harmless but it isn't

Almost finished.. Just a few more tips to not yield Temptation

1) Never trust the flesh; Galations 5:19-21
2) Memorize scripture; Matthew 4
3) Walk in the spirit; Galations 5:16 (submit to the Spirits control)

Now, its alot but meditate on it because it can help you in life, because it is God's word.


Fitts said...

What a powerful blog, I am so proud of you son. Stay the course and keep God first no mater what.

Yours forever,

DeAntwan Fitts Sr. (dad)

Anonymous said...

This post is absolutely beautiful! It just shows that God uses whom HE chooses. Always hold onto God's unchanging hand DF Jr. You will not go wrong. Just remember this: If Donald Trump were your father you'd have certain comforts and privileges that no one could deny. HOWEVER those things would have limits. But your Father (GOD) owns the ENTIRE world and all that is in it and you are his heir. Those comforts and privileges have NO LIMITS and are subject to nothing and no one can ever take them away. Continue to trust Him. May the Lord bless you and keep you.

Mrs. Moore said...

I love this blog and I thinkin you are growing up to be an amazin and intelligent young man I am so proud of you and the way you are allowing God to shine through you keep up the good work I love you Poppa.

Your aunty Tria